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Financial Assistance

The Yamhill Community Action Partnership, located at 1317 NE Dustin Ct., McMinnville OR 97128 (503) 472-0457, provides low and moderate income families with access to financial resources. The assistance programs can help them through difficult times. They offer programs to help pay energy bills, housing assistance, food aid, and more.

Legal Help

Legal Aid
376 E 11th Ave, Eugene - 541-485-1017
Provides legal assistance with matters pertaining to tenant rights, evictions, domestic violence, sexual assault, denied SSI, and denied Unemployment.

www.myfreetaxes.com has options to have your taxes prepared for you or file your own taxes for free. This service is provided by United Way


Utility Assistance


Birth Control

State of Oregon Condom Delivery Program: Free condoms delivered to your home https://www.onecondoms.com/pages/oregon

Low Cost or Free Medical Services
Call for Scheduling:
Hours: M: 9 am – 12 pm, T-Th: 9 am – 6 pm,
Fri: 9 am – 1 pm
White Bird Medical Clinic: 541-484-4800
White Bird Dental Clinic: 541-344-8302
White Bird Chrysalis Center: 541-683-1641

White Bird                                                                                                                           

Main- 541-342-4357
341 E 12th Ave, Eugene
Hours: 8 am – 10 pm (Front Room)
541-687-4000 24-Hour Crisis Line
Provides assistance with: Medical and dental treatment, drug treatment, crisis intervention, clothing, homeless management program, and comprehensive human services information referral.

Community Health Centers of Lane County

Participates in the Oregon Reproductive Health Program making reproductive health exams and contraceptive supplies available for free or low-cost.  We can send a prescription for birth control to your pharmacy and we also stock a variety of options in our clinics, such as multiple types of birth control pills, long acting reversible contraceptives like IUDs and implants, the patch, the ring, and condoms. Well-woman exams, cancer screening and prevention, STI testing and treatment, and pregnancy testing are also offered at all of our locations.  Prevention is a cornerstone of our services and our providers and nurses are trained to offer patient-centered information on preventing unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Emergency Food, Clothing, Transportation and Crisis Intervention

Catholic Community Services
1464 W 6th Ave, Eugene
1023 G St, Springfield
541-747-0221 or 541-345-3642 (Energy Assist)
Hours: M-F: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Pantry Hours: Eugene: M/W/F 9 am – 1 pm or
Springfield: W/F/Sat 9 am – 1 pm
Provides assistance with: Food boxes, bus tokens, use of telephones (Eugene only), community voice mail (Eugene only), security deposits when funds are available, rent and move in costs, and energy assistance.

Centro Latino Americano
944 W 5th Ave, Eugene - 541-687-2667
Hours: M-TH: 8:30 am – 5 pm; F: 8:30 am – 12 pm
Provides assistance with: Health services, crisis intervention, employment services, parental education, alcohol and drug treatment, assistance with emergency housing through St. Vincent de Paul.

Community Sharing Program
1440 Birch St, Cottage Grove - 541-942-2176
Hours: M-F: 11 am – 3:30 pm
Provides assistance with: Emergency shelter, rent and utility assistance when funds are available, food, food boxes, showers, referrals, LIEAP, laundry, Tenant Based Assistance, gas vouchers, and personal services.

Eugene Mission
1542 W 1st Ave, Eugene - 541-344-3251
Office Hours: 8 am – 4 pm, Shelter 24 hrs
Clothing: M-TH 9 am – 11:00 am
Provides free assistance with: Meals on site, clothing, haircuts, counseling, referrals and support. Separate shelters for men, women, and women with children.

First Place Family Center
1995 Amazon Pkwy, Eugene - 541-342-7728
Provides assistance with: Message and mail services, telephones, advocacy, case management, laundry facilities, kitchen facilities, food, showers, and clothing. Provides overnight shelter for families with children on a limited basis during the school year. Please call to schedule an appointment.

Love INC
loveincclc@gmail.com – 541-653-8537
A call center that offers hands on help with needs on a short term basis. Volunteers from churches in the community help provide transportation, moving, small repairs, painting, packing, house cleaning, yard care, provide rides, provide warm dinners. It also has some necessary household items, furniture, and referrals to other agencies and resources in the community.

St. Vincent DePaul
456 Hwy 99 N, Eugene - 541-689-6747
Low rent waiting list - 541-687-5820 Closed Temporarily
Provides assistance with: temporary housing, food boxes, clothing, rent and utility bill assistance when funds are available and criteria are met.
Food room available: Monday,Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, 10 am – 2 pm

Salvation Army/Springfield Office
1275 Mill St, Springfield - 541-747-6229
Hours: M,T,TH 9 am – 12:00 pm & 1 – 3 pm
Hours: W & F 9 am – 11 am
Provides assistance with: Food (through Food for Lane County-assigns boundaries to food pantries throughout Lane Co), clothing (voucher available with ID 1x/year) and rent assistance 1x only when funds are available. No emergency shelter is available. Prescription assistance antibiotics only under $30, furniture vouchers, homeless services.

Salvation Army/Eugene Office
640 W 7th Ave, Eugene - 541-343-3328
Hours: M,W,TH 8:30 – 11:55 & 1 – 3:25 pm,
T: 8:30–11 am & 2-3:25 pm F: 8:30 am- 12:25pm Provides assistance with: Food (through Food for Lane County-assigns boundaries to food pantries throughout Lane Co), clothing (voucher available with ID 1x/year) and rent assistance 1x only when funds are available. No emergency shelter is available. Prescription assistance antibiotics only under $30, furniture vouchers, homeless services.

F.I.S.H. Clothing Cupboard 

Trinity Methodist Church,
440 Maxwell, Eugene
Hours: M-F, 10 am – 2 pm
Provides assistance with food, prescriptions, propane.

Helping Hand Room 

First Christian Church, 1166 Oak St., Eugene
T/TH: 12 pm – 2 pm
Provides assistance with clothing services.

Transportation Planning


ADA paratransit service, required through the Americans With Disabilities Act, is an origin-to-destination transportation solution for people unable to use a fixed-route bus due to a disability. The service operates within approximately 3/4 miles of bus routes in the Eugene/Springfield metropolitan area, and operates the same hours as the bus. To learn more about or apply for ADA service, contact RideSource at 541-682-5566, toll free at 1-877-800-9899, or 7-1-1 (TTY) to request a transportation assessment. Staff from a partner agency will meet with you to discuss your transportation needs, and determine your functional ability to ride the bus. It can take up to twenty-one (21) days to determine your service eligibility. RideSource does not offer same day assistance

Support Groups and Advocacy

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline                                

 988 Call or text 24/7 

Sponsors Inc. (Parolee Program)
338 Hwy 99 North, Eugene - 541-485-8341
Hours: M-Th: 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
F: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Provides assistance with transitional housing and other necessary services (mentorship program, case managing, Moral Recognition Therapy, 12-Step Meetings, PTSD Support Groups, and other client-focused programming) to individuals releasing from correctional institutions in OR who are paroling to Lane County.

Domestic/Sexual Violence Advocacy Ctr
1577 Pearl St., Eugene, Ste 200 - 541-485-8232
Crisis Line: 800-281-2800
Assists with up to four (4) weeks shelter for battered/abused women and children with situations requiring a confidential location. Assistance with restraining orders, case management, food, advocacy, and support.