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Financial Assistance

Community Action Resource Centers

These centers offer emergency financial assistance, rent help, referrals and information, classes, counseling and support groups. The Resource Centers are located in Woodburn (503) 982-8212, Dallas (503) 623-8429, and Stayton Oregon (503) 769-3173.

Northwest Human Services

Salem Oregon residents may be able to receive limited financial assistance from Northwest Human Services. The non-profit may be able to offer limited rent help, utility, heating and prescription financial assistance for residents of Salem only. The center also provides free food boxes to people in need. Call (503) 581-5535

Legal Help

Although it is located in Marion County, the clinic will entertain potential clients from outside of Marion County. The legal clinic conducts Friday afternoon sessions at the De Muniz Resource Center, 3950 Aumsville Hwy SE, in Salem and appointments can be made by calling the De Muniz Resource Center at (503) 990-7370.


Utility Assistance

Utility Assistance | Community Services Consortium 


Birth Control

State of Oregon Condom Delivery Program: Free condoms delivered to your home https://www.onecondoms.com/pages/oregon

Willamette Family Medical Center - A small practice that is non-profit and offers some services on a sliding fee scale. Some of the health care offered includes acute care, preventative care, minor emergencies, family planning, and immunizations. Call (503) 585-6388.

La Clinica De Nuestra Senora La Virgin Guadalupe
Address: 1495 Liberty Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97305
Main Phone Reception - (503) 364-5818

Salem Free Clinics
1300 Broadway NE Suite 104
Salem, OR 97301
Dial (503) 990-8772 for information
Several health and dental centers are part of this non-profit, government qualified organization. The others are listed below. The facilities work towards providing low cost or free medical and dental care for individuals and families across Marion County. The services offered are aimed at the low income, those with no insurance, unemployed, and working poor, however no one who needs help will be turned away.

Salem Free Mental Health Clinic
3850 Portland Rd NE
Salem, Oregon 97305
(503) 990-8772
This location is part of the non-profit Salem Free Clinics organization. Services are focused on mental health issues.

Trinity Covenant Church - Salem Free Clinics
5020 Liberty Road S
Salem, OR 97302
The main phone is (503) 990-8772
Various medical professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses, and volunteers, offer their time and services here. Get access to basic medical care, cleanings, physicals, and prescription drug vouchers and medications.

West Salem Dental Clinic
190 Kingwood Ave. N.W.
Salem OR 97304
Phone - 503-315-0712
Services include extractions, cleanings, fluoride, and other free dental care. Children, the uninsured, working poor, and seniors receive first priority.

Northwest Human Services - Homeless Outreach & Advocacy Project (HOAP)
Clinic address - 694 Church St. N.E.
Salem OR 97301
Phone number - 503-588-5827

Central Lions Club- Vision Assistance


Mondays 12-1pm                                                                                   

Emergency Food, Clothing, Transportation and Crisis Intervention

Community Action Agency

The community action agency administers it. This energy conservation assistance program helps the elderly, low-income clients, and the disabled by providing them with free weatherization and other energy conserving services including weather-stripping of windows and doors. Or get help with wall, floor, and ceiling insulation, water heater insulation, duct insulation and sealing, furnace repairs and replacement, and information on health and safety programs. Call the community action agency at (503) 585-6232. The location is 615 Commercial Street, NE in Salem, Oregon 97301.

TBRA-HUD Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program

Get help paying your rent from the Rent assistance from TBRA - HUD Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program. This is a resource that provides low income and other needy people with rent assistance for up to a twelve-month period. The funds can be used to prevent an eviction, or pay monthly rent. In addition, case management and counseling services are also offered. Dial 503-399-9080 to learn more.

Polk County Resource Centers

Polk County Resource Centers assist families and individuals to meet their basic needs while helping them to achieve self sufficiency. They offer basic needs supplies, emergency financial assistance, information and referrals in two convenient locations.  

Dallas Location-

Academy Building, 182 SW Academy St. Suite 220, Dallas, OR 97338                                                                                                      
Phone: (503) 623-9664    Fax: (503) 623-2731
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed 12 p.m.-1 p.m.                                                                                                                                                                                      Monmouth Location-

1483 N. 16th St., Monmouth
Phone: (503) 751-1644    Fax: (503) 623-2731
Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed 12 p.m.-1 p.m. / Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. closed 1 p.m.-2 p.m.                            Rent/Deposit - call for an appointment
Energy/Water bill - call or walk in
Food box - walk in (Dallas only)
Gas card - walk in
Hygiene supplies - walk in
Diapers/Wipes - walk in
Bus pass - walk in
Household items/Cleaning supplies - walk in
Arches intake appointment - call for an appointment (Tuesdays only)
Parent/Student resources (ex. school supplies) - call

Housing Stabilization Program-

This organization provides rent and financial assistance and case management services to those families at risk of becoming homeless as well as currently homeless families. Call the agency at (503) 399-9080.

St. Vincent De Paul Society Emergency Services And Food Bank –

Resources offered include free food as well as clothing closet. Sack lunches for homeless are distributed. Also get emergency assistance for paying rent, utility bills (including propane) and limited prescription vouchers. 3745 Portland Road NE, Salem, OR 97301, call (503) 364-5672. A second location is at 417 Harrison Street, Woodburn, Oregon 97071, phone (503) 981-5011. Get more details on St. Vincent Marion County programs.

West Valley Housing Authority-

204 SW Walnut St Dallas, OR 97338

 Call: 503-623-8387    Hours: Monday-Thursday  

Resources: Section 8 voucher program, low income public housing.                                                                                                     www.wvpha.com                  

Community of Christ:

4570 Center St NE Salem, OR 97301 

Call: 503-378-0633 

Income based clothing closet and food pantry, limited to one visit per month. 

Serves Yamhill, Polk and Marion counties.    

Helping Hands
Address is 1755 13th Street SE
Location is Salem, OR 97302
Appointments are needed.

Call: 503-364-9936
A couple items of work or job interview clothes may be offered for free. This may be work-boots, suits, rain gear, dresses for women, and more.   

Hope Station Community Services, Inc
Address is 1337 Madison Street NE Suite 115
Salem, OR 97301
The non-profit known as HS may have clothes, food, hygiene items, toiletries, and more for working poor families. They also help organize budget and job placement workshops.    

Union Gospel Mission:

777 Commercial St NE Salem, OR 97301 

Call: 503-362-3983      Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm 

Resources: Men’s shelter, Meals, Employment Resources 

Serves Marion and Polk County   

ARCHES Transitional Housing Program

This organization will provide funds and grants to be used for rental assistance, housing placement, and case management to families or individuals who are on the brink or are currently homeless in Marion and Polk County. Eligible participants in the program will be need to experiencing numerous barriers to maintaining and accessing housing. The agency is located at 1164 Madison St NE Salem, OR. Call them at 503-399-9080.

First Free Methodist Provided by ROCC

Showers available every Wednesday Starting at 10:30am at First Free Methodist Provided by ROCC. Reach out to Christina Korkow- Executive Director for more information. 503 409 1506

Transportation Planning

Cherry Lift Eligibility

Phone Number- 503-361-7554

Transit Training

Click here for more information about signing for Transit training with Cherriots.

Trip Planning

Click here for help planning your trip using the bus routes!

Support Groups and Advocacy

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline                                

 988 Call or text 24/7 

Peer Support through ROCC- Recovery Outreach Community Center
Seven days a week- 10:00 AM TO 6:00PM
Peer support is about connecting with someone in a way that contributes to both people learning and growing. There’s no assessment, diagnosis or treatment. It’s about helping each other understand how we’ve come to know what we know, and moving toward what we want, instead of just getting away from what we don’t want.

One on One peer support available with certified peer support specialists