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Financial Assistance

The Yamhill Community Action Partnership, located at 1317 NE Dustin Ct., McMinnville OR 97128 (503) 472-0457, provides low and moderate income families with access to financial resources. The assistance programs can help them through difficult times. They offer programs to help pay energy bills, housing assistance, food aid, and more.

Legal Help

Although it is located in Marion County, the clinic will entertain potential clients from outside of Marion County. The legal clinic conducts Friday afternoon sessions at the De Muniz Resource Center, 3950 Aumsville Hwy SE, in Salem and appointments can be made by calling the De Muniz Resource Center at (503) 990-7370.


Utility Assistance


Birth Control

State of Oregon Condom Delivery Program: Free condoms delivered to your home https://www.onecondoms.com/pages/oregon

Emergency Food, Clothing, Transportation and Crisis Intervention

Transportation Planning

If you believe you or someone you know may be Paratransit eligible you can request an application by calling (503) 474-4900 or in writing to YC Transit, Transit Manager, 535 NE 5th Street, McMinnville, OR 97128. You can also click here to view a printable PDF of the Paratransit Application.

Support Groups and Advocacy

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline                                

 988 Call or text 24/7 

Mental Health Crisis: Yamhill County

503-434-7465 or 844-842-8200 (Afterhours, Weekends & Holidays)

503-434-7523 (Daytime Adults)

503-434-7462 (Daytime Children and Youth)